Matt Rhule met with the media today, this will be his last appearance with the media until Big Ten Football meetings.
As Always, GBR!
Matt Rhule met with the media today, this will be his last appearance with the media until Big Ten Football meetings.
As Always, GBR!
I say this quite often, but man this guy blows me away with how well spoken he is. No matter your thoughts on him as a coach on-field, he is a fantastic leader of young men and he might be my favorite coach we have had in my lifetime. I strive to be 1% of the coach Rhule is.
There has been zero culture decisions or the building of the program that I disagree with. Whether it is buying into this state (something Scott F***t didn't do despite being from here) , being loyal to ALL players and ALL coaches, or the competitiveness he builds in workouts and practice.
This mofo don't miss!
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